
Starting a new job can be both exciting and overwhelming. Wharton HR believes that a well-structured and comprehensive onboarding process is essential for setting staff up for success even before their first day. 

Onboarding Guide for External Employees- New to Penn & Wharton

Welcome to the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania! We are delighted to have you join our vibrant community. This onboarding guide has been designed to provide you with the tools and resources necessary for a smooth onboarding experience. Please prioritize completing the onboarding tasks in your Workday inbox promptly, as they will enable you to gain access to essential resources, benefits, and ensure timely payment. Let’s get started on this exciting journey together!


First Week and Beyond:

  1. Part 2 of I-9 Verification (for external hires to the University): To remain compliant with federal law, all new hires should visit Onboard@Penn Center to complete part 2 of their I-9 verification within the first 72 hours (3 days) of employment. 
  2. PennCard: To obtain your PennCard, you must visit the PennCard Center to apply. Once your application is submitted, please schedule an appointment to pick up your PennCard. The PennCard Center is located on the second floor of the Penn Bookstore, 3601 Walnut St.
  3. PennKey: PennKey is the primary method for accessing Penn systems, including email. Contact admin-support@wharton.upenn.edu if you need assistance navigating the PennKey setup.  
  4. Orientation Sessions: We encourage you to attend Wharton’s New Employee Orientation (NEO) & the University’s New Staff Orientation (NSO) found in Workday Learning. If you do not receive an invitation, contact Wharton HR.
  5. Performance and Goal Setting: Connect with your manager to discuss expectations and goals for your introductory period. Review your job description (PIQ).
  6. Acclimation:. Take the time to understand your role and responsibilities while familiarizing yourself with the department’s work environment and culture. 

Once you’re settled in your role, take time to connect to the broader university communities, where you can connect with individuals who have shared interests. Embracing these opportunities will help you thrive in your new role and foster a sense of belonging at Penn.


  1. Benefits & Comp Page 
  2. Transportation & Parking
  3. University Policy Manual
  4. Introductory Period Policy

Onboarding Guide for Internal Hires

Welcome to your new role within the Wharton School! We are thrilled to see our own talent continue to grow within our vibrant community. This onboarding guide has been curated especially for internal transitions, ensuring you have the tools and resources for a seamless transition. Please prioritize completing the onboarding tasks in your Workday inbox promptly. This will reaffirm your benefits, tax witholdings, and will ensure any adjustments in your pay are processed timely. Here’s to the next chapter of our journey together!


Orientation Sessions (for new staff at Wharton): We encourage you to attend Wharton’s New Employee Orientation (NEO) to learn more about what it means to be part of the Wharton School

Performance and Goal Setting: Connect with your manager to discuss expectations and goals for your evaluation period. Review your job description (PIQ) and gain a solid understanding of your role.

Acclimation:. Take the time to understand your role and responsibilities while familiarizing yourself with the department’s work environment and culture. 

Onboarding Guide for Managers

Welcome to the Onboarding Guide for Managers! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the onboarding process for your new hires from the time their hiring process is approved until their first year of employment is complete.

External Hires (New to Penn & Wharton)

Pre-Start Checklist:

  • Key Stakeholders: Identify the key stakeholders the new hire should engage with during their first few weeks. This may include internal staff within the department and colleagues across Wharton and Penn.
  • Space Accommodations: Ensure the necessary space accommodations are prepared and ready for the new employee’s arrival.
  • Tech Setup & Access: Identify the necessary technology for the new employee and complete the Wharton Computing Staff Technology Onboarding form to ensure everything is ready by their first day.
  • Discuss Day 1 Readiness: Provide information about what to expect during their first day (e.g., when to arrive, team norms, meetings, lunch, location, and contact information).
  • Employee Introduction: Ask the new hire for a brief introduction to share with your team and others.

Week 1:

  • Part 2 of I-9 Verification: Under federal law, all new hires must visit the Onboard@Penn Center to complete part 2 of their I-9 verification within the first 72 hours (3 days) of employment. 
  • Orientation Sessions: Encourage your new hire to attend Wharton’s New Employee Orientation (NEO) & the University’s New Staff Orientation (NSO) found in Workday Learning. If they do not receive an invitation, contact Wharton HR.
  • Performance and Goal Setting: Review the new hire’s job description (PIQ). Set clear expectations and goals for their introductory period. Document this in the Initial Evaluation task through the Workday inbox and discuss it in detail. 
  • Send Department Information: Give a big-picture view of the team and how their role fits in with an organizational chart. 
  • Acclimation: Assist the new employee in acclimating to their surroundings and colleagues. Consider organizing a campus tour and scheduling lunch meetings with colleagues.

Month 1-3:

  • Regular Check-ins: Meet regularly with the new employee (weekly or bi-weekly) to review their progress with training and goals. Use this opportunity to ensure their needs are being met and address any concerns they may have.
  • Performance Feedback: If an employee isn’t meeting expectations, initiate a discussion to understand their challenges and articulate your concerns. Additionally, contact the Talent Management team for guidance on how to proceed.

Month 4-12:

  • Introductory Review: Complete the introductory review and document it via Workday. This consists of an initial goal-setting task, an interim evaluation (optional but recommended), and a closing evaluation. Provide meaningful feedback throughout this time period.
  • Goal Setting: Collaborate with the employee to set goals for the remainder of their first year and establish alignment on competencies.

We aim for this guide to be a helpful resource for successfully integrating your new team members into the organization. The Talent Management team is always available to support you if you require further information or assistance. Wishing you a smooth and successful onboarding process!

Internal Hires

Pre-Start Checklist:

  • Key Stakeholders: Identify the key stakeholders the new hire should engage with during their first few weeks. This may include internal staff within the department and colleagues across Wharton and Penn.
  • Space Accommodations: Ensure the necessary space accommodations are prepared and ready for the new employee’s arrival.
  • Tech Setup & Access: Identify the necessary technology for the new employee and complete the Wharton Computing Staff Technology Onboarding form to ensure everything is ready by their first day.
  • Discuss Day 1 Readiness: Provide information about what to expect during their first day (e.g., when to arrive, team norms, meetings, lunch, location, and contact information).
  • Employee Introduction: Ask the new hire for a brief introduction that can be sent to your team or others.

Week 1:

  • Orientation Sessions: Encourage your new hire to attend Wharton’s New Employee Orientation (NEO) (if they are new to Wharton)
  • Performance and Goal Setting: Review the new hire’s job description (PIQ). Set clear expectations and goals for their evaluation period. Document this in the Initial Evaluation task through the Workday inbox and discuss it in detail. 
  • Send Department Information: Give a big-picture view of the team and how their role fits in with an organizational chart. 
  • Acclimation: Assist the new employee in acclimating to their surroundings and colleagues. Consider scheduling lunch meetings with colleagues.

Month 1-3:

  • Regular Check-ins: Meet regularly with the new hire (weekly or bi-weekly) to review their progress with training and goals. Use this opportunity to ensure their needs are being met and address any concerns they may have.
  • Performance Feedback: If an employee isn’t meeting expectations, initiate a discussion to understand their challenges and articulate your concerns. Additionally, contact the Talent Management team for guidance on how to proceed.
  • 90-day Evaluation Period: Complete the evaluation period review and document it via Workday. This consists of an initial goal-setting task, an interim evaluation (optional but recommended), and a closing evaluation. Provide meaningful feedback throughout this time period.
  • Goal Setting: Collaborate with the employee to set goals for the remainder of their first year and establish alignment on competencies.

We hope this guide helps you onboard your new hires effectively and set them up for success within the organization. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Talent Management team. Happy onboarding!